Corporate and Investment

Risk and Governance

Web-based solutions
Authentifi 8 product image

Obtain actionable client data to improve payment collections and reduce credit risk.

Vehichel and ownership information 8 product page images

Vehicle Valuation & Auction Specialists

Datanamix image set

Monitor and mitigate ESG risks in your supply chain


Automate anti-money-laundering checks with digitised adverse media and PEP checks.

API solutions

Aims to effectively combine trusted 3rd party external data sources (Banks and various credit bureaus).

Datanamix image set

Sustaining business through the power of data, Datanamix offers online credit and risk management solutions to individuals and businesses.

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iiDENTIFii provides a secure and user-friendly technology platform that authenticates physical identities in a connected world.

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RelyComply API

An end-to-end KYC and AML platform that simplifies the compliance process by automating due diligence and monitoring risks with AI-driven tools.

SearchWorks™ Adverse Credit Information

Request credit information on individuals and organisations to avoid bad debt down the line.

CIPC information image set
SearchWorks™ CIPC Information

Find current information about all companies registered in South Africa, including their capital structures.

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SearchWorks™ Company Credit Checks

Perform one company credit check to get one report combining data from several credit bureaus.

Compliance Image set
SearchWorks™ Compliance - KYC - KYB

Do a range of compliance searches that include adverse news, PEP, sanctions and criminal checks.

Consumer Credit image set
SearchWorks™ Consumer Credit Checks

Get a comprehensive consumer profile incorporating data from four leading credit bureaus.

Consumer Traces image set
SearchWorks™ Consumer Traces

Trace a customer using different inputs to get the latest data from four credit bureaus.

Deceased Estates Image Set
SearchWorks™ Deceased Estates

Access information on estates registered with the Master’s Office and executors’ contact details.

Deeds Office Tracking Image Set
SearchWorks™ Deeds Office Tracking

Track the registration of deeds to and verify property as well as buyer and seller information.

IDV and ID photo image
SearchWorks™ IDV & ID Photo

Verify a person’s ID number with Home Affairs and get an ID or passport photo and address details.

Income Estimation image
SearchWorks™ Income Estimation

Lend more safely knowing a client’s estimated income, affordability and overall financial position.

Property History
SearchWorks™ Lightstone Property Information

Get comprehensive reports on property developments such as estates, suburbs and schemes.

Property database image set
SearchWorks™ Property - from Deeds Database

Get comprehensive property information such as owners’ details, ownership history and the erf number.

Property History
SearchWorks™ Property History

Identify current and past owners of estates and schemes linked to an individual, company or trust.

Property live image set
SearchWorks™ Property - LIVE from Deeds Office

Get the latest data on developments such as estates, suburbs and schemes from the Deeds Office database.

Spousal Verifications
SearchWorks™ Spousal Verifications

This product provides details of a Spouse including ID Number and associated details.

Account Verifications
Account Verification (AVS) by Standard Bank

The AVS-R Real-time Account Verification API solution offers the ability to verify banking account details in real-time.

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SearchWorks™ Trust and Trustee Information

Search for a trust name, number or trustees, with ID numbers, in several trusted sources.

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SearchWorks™ Vehicle and Ownership Information

Reduce the risk of fraud and crime by confirming motor vehicle ownership verification.

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SearchWorks™ Watchlist

Check clients for judgements, companies for CIPC updates and property details with the Deeds Office.

How to register on OneHub
Once you’re registered, you'll be able to access the OneHub site and browse all the available solutions. If you have any questions, email us at [email protected]
Step 1
Request access

Contact your relationship manager or email [email protected] and request access.

Step 2

Follow the link you’ll receive, complete the registration process and create a password.

Step 3
Sign in

Log in with your username and password to browse all OneHub B2B solutions and APIs.

In the news
Communicate instantly with your entire workforce

Your frontline employees can now feel connected to your company, leadership and key announcements with the Employee Engagement solution.

Integrate our APIs seamlessly with your systems

Find a range of tailormade APIs designed to slot into existing business systems to add additional features and streamline functions.

Monitor Your Supply Chain 24/7

Audit your supply chain, including your suppliers’ suppliers, with FRDM to ensure that it is ethical and ESG compliant.