SearchWorks™ Consumer Credit Checks

Get a comprehensive consumer profile incorporating data from four leading credit bureaus.
This product will allow you to perform a Credit Check on an individual. We have collaborated with multiple Providers that are available to choose from:
- Experian Sigma (this is a new report which was created by the merger between CompuScan and Experian)
- TransUnion
- VeriCred
What you can do with this API product
Create combined profile views
You have the option to perform a Combined Consumer Profile available which incorporates data from Experian Sigma, TransUnion, VeriCred and XDS into one comprehensive report
Experian Sigma, XDS & VeriCred Payment Profile
You will have a clear overview of a clients’ monthly payment profile with history. To determine the client affordability
Realtime information
Data always in real-time from the Credit Bureau
XDS Consumers Profile
Shows debt review status and Counsellor information
Here are the available features
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