
Frictionless collections across Africa.
Leverage our collection suite of capabilities for reliable and predictable collections across multiple stores of value. We offer tailored solutions across the following:
- Direct debits
- Authenticated collections
- Mobile money collections
- Merchant services
- Physical cash solutions
Features of collections capabilities
- Direct debits: Collect seamlessly from your customers via scheduled and automated debit orders
- Authenticated collections: Secure and efficient collections from your customers through authorised mandates
- Electronic bill presentment: Present your customers with their due bills and references directly from your systems for ease of payment and reconciliation
- Receipt referencing: Automate reconciliation processes with accurate referencing for cash and electronic payments made to you by your customers
- Receive deposits through merchant solutions, across physical card solutions and e-commerce
- Deposit cash and cheques to bank accounts across our branch, agent and ATM network
Features of collections capabilities
- Direct debits: Collect seamlessly from your customers via scheduled and automated debit orders
- Authenticated collections: Secure and efficient collections from your customers through authorised mandates
- Electronic bill presentment: Present your customers with their due bills and references directly from your systems for ease of payment and reconciliation
- Receipt referencing: Automate reconciliation processes with accurate referencing for cash and electronic payments made to you by your customers
- Receive deposits through merchant solutions, across physical card solutions and e-commerce
- Deposit cash and cheques to bank accounts across our branch, agent and ATM network
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