SearchWorks™ Compliance - KYC - KYB

Do a range of compliance searches that include adverse news, PEP, sanctions and criminal checks.
KYC Compliance is regulatory obligation of all organisations . This product has the capability to perform multiple different compliance searches that span across adverse News, PEP and Sanctions as well as can be extended to Criminal checks on individuals that are going to be associated with your organization.
What you can do with this API product
Adverse News (Company or Individual)
Retrieve exact sentence identified not just a link to an article with more than 20 additional data points added to each article
Criminal Check
Using the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), fingerprints are checked electronically directly against the South African Police Services (SAPS) database
PEP and Sanctions
Utilizing artificial intelligence, the Global Comprehensive Data Sanction Scanner collects and organises over 2000 sanctions, watchlist and sub-lists from regulatory and law enforcement agencies in over 200 nations
Proof Of Residence
Simplify and shorten the validation process of a consumer, and improve the customer experience while meeting the mandatory FICA requirements and eliminating the risk of fraud
Here are the available features
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