Investor Insights

Transform your bond market decision making with enhanced transparency and analysis.
Investor insights is our Corporate Bond Market insights, analysis, and research capability. Investor Insights creates transparency and comfort during the decision-making process for participants in the Corporate Bond Market (both primary and secondary market). We also provide trade capability on the platform for the secondary market.Some of the benefits
Gain Secondary Market Insights
Access to real-time corporate bond data
Comprehensive Analysis Tools
Interactive graphing and analysis
Trade With Us
Action your decisions on the platform
Market Overview
Market context for your decisions
Key Capabilities
- Secondary Market Insights:
- Provides in-depth analysis and research, fostering a transparent decision-making process
- Comprehensive Tools:
- Bond history and analysis tools
- Issuer profile analysis and tools
- Live bond pricing - SBSA corporate axes
- Recently issued data
- Secondary market activity data
- Trade Capability
- Click to trade functionality
- Reverse enquiries to help you trade bonds that you dont see on your axis
- Market Overview
- Issuance by sector
- Average spread
- Upcoming auctions
How to get it
- Contact our Fixed Income sales team on the following email address: [email protected]
- Request access via OneHub
Key Capabilities
How to get it
- Secondary Market Insights:
- Provides in-depth analysis and research, fostering a transparent decision-making process
- Comprehensive Tools:
- Bond history and analysis tools
- Issuer profile analysis and tools
- Live bond pricing - SBSA corporate axes
- Recently issued data
- Secondary market activity data
- Trade Capability
- Click to trade functionality
- Reverse enquiries to help you trade bonds that you dont see on your axis
- Market Overview
- Issuance by sector
- Average spread
- Upcoming auctions
- Contact our Fixed Income sales team on the following email address: [email protected]
- Request access via OneHub