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Sectors 4 Oct 2022

Simplifying solar power for the SA healthcare sector

Against the backdrop of ongoing power outages and steep electricity tariff hikes, the issue of energy security is critical to all sectors in South Africa today, but arguably none more so than Healthcare.

Energy resilience is essential in maintaining high levels of patient care. And while backup systems were previously prioritised around life safety, critical care and equipment branches, today’s best practice translates into backup electrical generation to cover the entire health facility in the event of power outages and a means to offset costs.

This approach is becoming even more important as more facilities are adopting ‘smart’ technology that relies on connectivity for electronic medical record management, inter-departmental and inter-facility data sharing, online administration and automated inventory control of supplies.

Lowering costs and securing energy supply

Government has removed the licencing threshold for embedded generation projects, allowing private entities to self-generate power without requiring a NERSA licence to do so. They will only be required to register and comply with the technical and environmental requirements.

In South Africa we experience an average of 2 500 hours of sun every year, making Solar Photovoltaic (PV) a viable way to build energy resilience.

And with a 15.6% hike in electricity tariffs in 2021, a further 9.6% increase expected in 2022 – and indications that Eskom may escalate rates again by over 20% in the coming years, Solar PV has an important role to play in lowering electricity costs.

Solar power will also be effective in lowering carbon tax burdens on large emitters to offset the carbon emissions produced by electricity consumption and large-scale diesel-powered generators, as regulations are implemented in coming years.

PowerPulse: Solar solutions for SA’s Healthcare sector

While solar power offers tremendous benefits, solar PV installations are not without their risks.

When it comes to large-scale commercial installations, for those who are not experts in the renewable energy sector it can be challenging to accurately assess energy and infrastructure needs, evaluate proposals, compare specifications on the recommended components, identify the quality of the proposed technology and warranties, vet suppliers and calculate costs versus expected return.

PowerPulse by Standard Bank is a digital platform that is designed to help your organisation cut through this fog and navigate the complex process of commercial solar PV installations with ease – by delivering an end-to-end technical, legal, and funding solution.

PowerPulse assists hospitals, clinics and practices in the healthcare sector to:

  • Complete an online feasibility assessment to determine whether solar power is suited to your specific needs based on your consumption, size and site
  • Set-up briefing sessions and site visits with accredited, pre-vetted Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) providers that have the right expertise and track records
  • Receive three proposals with a comparison report to help you assess these proposals and compare like-for-like on:
    • Quality, specifications, and warranties of proposed components
    • Sizing of the system in relation to your annual consumption load profile and your future growth projections
    • Pricing calculations with cashflow implications
    • Payback periods with scenarios that both include and exclude South Africa’s 12B tax incentive
    • Relevant ongoing maintenance costs
    • Technical and legal assistance to ensure compliance with local municipal and Eskom rules and regulations for solar PV connection
    • And finally, should you require funding, Standard Bank offers a specialised financing solution for solar energy projects beginning at R250 000, with no upper limit constraint.

The PowerPulse service is free

  • The PowerPulse platform is for free use by any business operating in South Africa There is no charge for completing the feasibility analysis or connecting with pre-vetted EPC suppliers
  • All costs related to the Solar PV installation and ongoing maintenance will be listed in the quotes you receive via the platform
  • Project financing fees apply.

Interested to learn more?

PowerPulse is an innovative solution that is transforming the way we produce, deliver and consume energy in South Africa. For more information, please visit our PowerPulse website.